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These are trying times for all of us, and positive leadership is key for supporting the people around us.  On this page we provide a quick list of positive practices for leading in trying times, all from respected sources.  We invite you to scan this resource and apply the practices that are most relevant for your leadership situation. We will be adding to the list over time, and we welcome your recommendations for helpful resources we can add to the list.

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  • Recommended practices:
    1. Get sufficient sleep. 
    2. Get sufficient exercise. 
    3. Take time for mental recovery.
    4. Take time for social recovery. 
    5. Practice gratitude.
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  • Recommended practices:
    1. Remember this is an opportunity for connection.
    2. Accept that we’re all coping differently.
    3. Be generous in your interpretations.
    4. Acknowledge how you’re feeling.
    5. Accept that your coworkers’ home lives are now relevant to you.
    6. Don’t compare suffering.
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  • Recommended practices:
    1. Be humble: Don’t highlight your solutions without asking for input. 
    2. Be open: Don’t obfuscate complex realities; be explainer-in-chief. 
    3. Be committed: Don’t focus-group ideas and Photoshop yourself; stand up for who you are. 
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  • Recommended practices:
    1. Be honest with yourself.
    2. Challenge anxiety-driven, distressing thoughts.
    3. Look on the bright side.
    4. Focus on what you can control.
    5. Practice mindfulness by being aware and intentional.
    6. Take action through-value-driven behaviors.
    7. Start a gratitude journal.
    8. Find new ways to connect with others.
    9. Infuse your day with physical activity.
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  • Recommended practices:
    1. Trust and empower people.
    2. Share common goals.
    3. Make decisions in service of the common good.
    4. Foster a sense of belonging.
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  • Recommended practices:
    1. Act quickly, but not reflexively, and plan contingencies.
    2. Protect the core.
    3. Identify the people who matter most and keep that group strong.
    4. Stay very close to your key funders.
    5. Shape up your organization.
    6. Collaborate to reduce costs and expand impact.
    7. Involve your board.
    8. Communicate openly and often.
    1. Model the way by aligning actions with shared values.
    2. Inspire a shared vision by enlisting others in defining aspirations.
    3. Challenge the process by looking for opportunities to streamline decisions and processes.
    4. Enable others to act by promoting cooperative goals and empowering them to take action.
    5. Encourage the heart by showing appreciation for people who contribute their best efforts and demonstrate positive values.
    1. Be proactive (take initiative to solve challenges and create opportunities).
    2. Begin with the end in mind (develop a shared vision of success).
    3. Put first things first (identify and manage priorities).
    4. Think win/win (look for ways to help people accomplish their goals).
    5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood (listen and learn to understand the aims, values, and constraints of others).
    6. Synergize (look for oppportunities to collaborate for greater impact).
    7. Sharpen the saw (refresh and renew your energy and skills).
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  • Recommended practice:
    • Identify your strengths based on 15 qualities that can enable you to lead effectively in a crisis — and beyond.